Visibility & IEC Materials – Shirts, Banners &; Fliers

SHI invites applications from eligible and competent firms to tender for the supply of the following NFI Kits:  Visibility & IEC Materials – SHIRTS, BANNERS &; FLIERS

To be considered, bidders should submit a complete quotation not later than the closing date and time indicated above. Bidders should ensure that the quotation is well written in English, easy to read, follows the instructions provided, and contains only requested information.

The Bidder is required to include details of three business references; this should include the name, company, and relationship to the bidder, email address, and / or phone number for each reference.

SHI reserves the right to visit the place of business of a prospective supplier to verify that it is a legal business entity and has the necessary organizational and management competence to fulfil the necessary responsibilities.

All Bidders must provide proof of registration and tax. Attach CAC certificate and TIN when sending quotation.
All transportation and handling charges if any should be incorporated into vendor’s quoted unit price.


Only quotations that meet the requirement above would be selected for evaluation. Please note that if there are significant deficiencies regarding responsiveness to the requirements of this RFQ, an offer may be deemed “non- responsive” and thereby disqualified from consideration. SHI reserves the right to waive immaterial deficiencies at its discretion

Quotations must be submitted in a sealed brown envelope to the designated bid box at the SHI Projects Office at Plot 187 Kamao Road Old Molai Quarters Polo Old GRA Borno State or via email and copy,

Apply via :