Senior Health Attendant Motor Driver Craftsman Physiotherapist Medical Laboratory Scientist Accountant Confidential Secretary Procurement Officer II Consultants Social Welfare Officer/Medical Social Worker Civil Engineer II Mechanical Engineer Medical Officer Higher Technical Officer (Bio-Medical) Nurse Tutor Nursing Officer II/Staff Nurse Health Records Officer Lecturer, Prosthetics/Orthotics (Federal College of Orthopaedic Technology) Medical Laboratory Technician Technicians

Ref: SHA/003 Qualification

Candidates must possess the First School Leaving Certificate and must be able to read and write very well.

Remuneration Salary – CONHESS 2
Deadline 14th December, 2016.

go to method of application ยป

Applicants should forward two (2) copies of their application letter attaching photocopies of Certificate(s) (not Statement of Result(s)) and detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) as follows:Candidates are to please address their applications directly to: The Medical Director, National Orthopaedic Hospital, Igbobi, Lagos State. Submission All applications should be submitted in the Administration Annex not later than the above closing date with the reference number of the position applied for written on the top left corner of the envelope. Note

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