Location: Sub-Saharan Africa
Location: Nigeria
Job Code: 2774
Part 1: Project identification and contact details
1. PDF II Project Code: 040 TRD WSLead2. Project Title: PDF II Trade Policy Work Stream – Work Stream Lead3. Type of Project: Structural Policies4. Beneficiary: Government MDAs, Consumer Groups, Donor Agencies5. Name and title of the beneficiary organisation representative: PDF II6. Phone number and email address of the beneficiary organisation representative: [Type here]7. Name of the person or organisation that will deliver services to the beneficiary: [Type here] (Consultant or contractor.)8. Phone number and email address: (Consultant or contractor.) [Type here]9. DFID contact: Richard Ough
Part 3: Project Description
3.1 Project Background
Why is the project needed? Why is PDF II funding required?
Recent economic challenges have led to robust debate on Nigeria’s approach towards macroeconomic management issues (Trade, Foreign Exchange), and the necessary steps for transformation to occur. Much of these border on protectionist vs free trade with almost all voices favouring protection, fixed vs flexible exchange rate and impacts on the poor with more voices on the fixed exchange rate being heard. However, a look beneath the surface reveals that there are some voices that are underrepresented in these public debates, which could bring a fresh angle to the subjects and perhaps generate new ideas for tackling the challenges. Following discussion with DFID, it was agreed that PDF II would follow a different approach that seeks to enable a more balanced debate on Nigeria’s economic policy by promoting underrepresented voices such as small businesses and consumers.
Thus, rather than the traditional EAs, PDF II will seek opportunities to introduce new voices and promote existing voices that have been underrepresented. As a starting point, PDF II commissioned a research piece that explored possible ways of strengthening consumer groups as a way of enabling their voices to be heard. The research piece found evidence in support of the potential influence of consumer groups, but made it clear that no single existing group has the capacity to galvanise a large scale lobby/pressure group. Building on this PDF II and DFID explored various models for tackling the issues before reaching a decision where though not the traditional EA model, PDF II could directly influence policy through a work stream.
The work stream will be organised in two main areas:
Enabling Underrepresented Voices in Economic Policy
Strengthening Consumer Voices sustainably
The Consultant working on Enabling Underrepresented Voices in Economic Policy will form links with think-tanks and draw on them as well as other sources to provide research and analytical evidence to underrepresented groups. This will be aimed at raising their capacity to engage effectively in economic discourse on key economic issues, and in advocacy with Government and Private sector. This presents an opportunity to use up-to-date research evidence and thinking to influence policy makers in an innovative and engaging way that steers the discussions in a progressive direction.
The Consultant working on Enabling Consumer Voices would focus on building consumer groups’ capacity so that they are better able to engage in public policy discourse. So far, the evidence points to the fact that though consumer voices have been limited in contributing to National policy discourse, they can be supported to become a powerful voice as was seen during the subsidy removal debate. With strengthened Consumer Groups, influence and engagement would improve. This Consultant will therefore work to encourage and support the development of consumer groups with particular focus on identified areas of weakness such as their operating business models, which will ensure sustainability of the groups and their activities. The Adviser would draw on research from various sources and form links with international organisations to provide support in this area. The adviser will also map and coordinate capacity building activities (e.g. Training on developing their business models, mentorship, consumer groups community meetings etc.) that would be open to all consumer groups, and work to rally consumer groups around topics of interest.
This combination should lead to stronger advocacy through channels such as the radio, social media, policy dialogues and other such events. The Consultants with support of a project officer, would work together, and report to the PDF II programme manager.
3.1.1 Contribution
How does this project contribute to the implementation of evidence-based, pro-poor economic policies?
This work stream will open up policy discourse to new voices so that new evidence can be introduced. Ultimately, with new voices, fundamental and positive change in policy stance may begin to be seen.
3.1.2 Beneficiary(ies)
Who will directly benefit from the project? For example, ministry officials who will use a research study. Who are the other wider beneficiaries of the project?
Government MDAs who will have access to the products and be enabled to drive policy reforms
Various segments of society, in particular consumer groups, who will be strengthened and whose voices will be introduced to the national policy space.
Ordinary Nigerians whose voices have been underrepresented
3.2 Project Outcome
How is/are the project beneficiary(ies) expected to make use of, or changed its(their) behaviour as a result of project outputs (the generic expected Outcome of PDF II is the increased use of evidence in pro-poor economic policy dialogue, formulation and implementation)? Please note that the project outcome should reflect PDF II’s outcome.
3.6 Risks and Risk Management
What might delay or undermine the delivery of project outputs or achievement of the project Outcome? How will these risks be managed or mitigated? To answer this, focus should be on threats to the assumptions made that may prevent the project from achieving the listed outputs, and/or prevent outputs from achieving the listed outcomes.
The key desired outcome is that, “Voices erstwhile underrepresented in Nigeria’s economic policy discourse will begin to be incorporated into mainstream discussions by 2020”, and that “New and up-to-date economic evidence is introduced to policy discourse”. These are ambitious aspirations given the current state of Consumer groups and other groups whose voices have been underrepresented. Evidence from other climes indicates that where such movements have occurred, the groups had strong structures and were galvanized into an influential force around a common purpose. Given the weak structures (financial and administrative) here, there is a risk that even with support, sufficient momentum may not be built. To mitigate this, a strand of this work stream is devoted to strengthening consumer groups. This will ensure engagement and that capacity is built within the groups.
3.7 Sustainability
How will the changes described in the project Outcome be sustained after the project?
With capacity of the groups built through activities that are carefully and effectively planned and executed based on an assessment of needs, it is expected that by 2020, the groups would have better structures that will ensure sustainability into the future.
3.8 Environmental and Climate Impact
How will the project impact on the environment/climate? What actions will be taken to ensure positive effects? How will negative impacts be mitigated?
The project itself is not expected to have significant environmental and climate impacts. However, these impacts could also become a point of advocacy for the groups if sufficient interest can be generated.
3.9 Gender, Equality and Equity Impacts
Are there positive or negative effects on women or girls? How could these effects on women, girls or excluded groups be further harnessed where positive, or mitigated where negative? Many of the target groups have been set up and/or are led by women. Each activity of the project will therefore be designed with an affirmative action approach to gender issues.
Part 4: Administrative Issues
4.1 Qualifications and experience of consultant(s)
The consultant will have:
Post graduate qualification in Economics or related discipline from a reputable university, and preferably at least 10 years relevant experience.
Excellent skills in analysis and use of evidence, policy, and advocacy
Experience of Nigerian government structures, processes and political environment
A good understanding of political economy issues in the context of Nigerian Federal Government
Excellent written and oral communication skills
Ability to work to deadlines in a challenging environment
Working language: English
4.2 Location and duration of consultancy
Location of assignment: Abuja, Nigeria
Expected starting date: 26th September 2016
Expected finishing date: 25th September 2017
Total person days technical input TBC
4.3 Management
How will the project be managed to deliver high quality outputs on time and on budget? Describe the arrangements for supervising consultants. Name the ministry, department, agency (MDA) or nongovernmental organisation (NGO) project manager who will supervise the consultant(s). Where the project is a study, please provide a budget.
The consultants will report to PDF II Programme Manager, Dr Titilola Akindeinde, who will be the principal point of reference and communication ( Titilola.Akindeinde@pdfnigeria.org) copying to AbujaTeam@pdfnigeria.org
4.4 References
List key documents and other sources of information to be referred to in undertaking this assignment.
Kingsmill W. and Ugbaja L. (2015). Consumer Groups in Nigeria – A report to DFID’s Policy Development Facility
Part 5: DFID Input
To be completed by the DFID Adviser. PDF II may also provide input here
5.1 Coherence
How does this project link to previous or on-going PAK/PDF/PDF II projects? Potential synergies? This project follows up on Trade Policy work done under PDF, Policy Dialogue and the Consumer Groups study conducted under PDF II.
5.2 Complementarity
How does this project link to DFID’s wider portfolio and/or other donor programmes? What are the potential synergies?
This project is related to DFID’s wider growth portfolio on macroeconomic growth, Trade and development. Also with focus on Trade policy, this project complements Trade policy work by the wider donor community including GIZ, USAID, ECOWAS, the EU etc.
5.3 Communication
How will the knowledge produced by this project be disseminated to beneficiary(ies)?
Knowledge products to be generated by this project are likely to include newsletters and information on engagement with key actors and stakeholders. These products could be disseminated through government website, PDF II knowledge portal and PDF II’s social media platforms. The products will also be shared during face to face events like anecdote circles of Embedded Advisers and KM network meeting of DFID programmes
5.4. Other comments
Closing date for applicants: 14/09/16
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