Experence:Mnmum 15 years experence workng as an accountant and 5 years n Management Capacty. Experence n Hosptalty sector wll be a strong advantage. Expert use of key accountng software s a requrement.Job Dutes:
Mantan fnancal records.
Apply prncples of accountng to analyze fnancal nformaton & prepare fnancal reports n a tmely manner.
Comple and analyze fnancal nformaton to prepare entres to accounts, such as general ledger accounts.
Analyze fnancal nformaton detalng assets, labltes, and captal, and prepares balance sheet, proft and loss statement, and other reports to summarze current and projected company fnancal poston Audt contracts, orders, and vouchers, and prepares reports to substantate ndvdual transactons pror to settlement.
Establsh, modfy, document, and coordnate mplementaton of accountng and accountng control procedures Devse and mplement manual or computer-based system for general accountng.
Drect and coordnate actvtes of other accountants and clercal workers performng accountng and bookkeepng tasks.
Conduct performance apprasal/revew for all members of the department.
Drect and oversee all the fnancal actvtes of the Hotel ncludng preparaton of current fnancal reports as well as summares and forecasts for future busness growth and general economc outlook.
Drect the preparaton of all fnancal reports, ncludng ncome statements, balance sheets, reports to shareholders, tax returns, and reports for government regulatory agences.
Oversee accountng departments, budget preparaton and management, and audt functons.
Meet regularly wth department heads to keep nformed and to offer drecton
Revew reports to analyze projectons of sales and proft aganst actual fgures, budgeted expenses aganst fnal totals, and suggests methods of mprovng the plannng process as approprate.
Confer wth the General Manager and Department Heads to coordnate and prortze plannng.
Estmate requrements for captal, land, buldngs, and an ncrease n the work force.
Assst wth analyzng the Hotel’s operatons to pnpont opportuntes and areas that need to be reorganzed, downszed, or elmnated.
Any other dutes assgned.
Interested candidates should send their Application and C.V to info@onskonconsulting.com with the job title as the subject.
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