External Auditor

Location: Cotonou, Benin Background The WAPP operates within the framework of provisions of the ECOWAS treaty as an international organization accorded diplomatic immunities in the performance of its functions, has judicial capacity in executing its functions enshrined in the WAPP Articles of Agreement, possesses contractual capacity and rights to acquire and dispose off tangible and intangible assets. The governance structure consist of a General Assembly, which is the highest decision making body, an Executive Board which is responsible for policy making and overseeing operations, several organizational committees that advise the Executive Board on technical and financial matters, and the General Secretariat that is responsible for actual day to day management and is based in Cotonou, Republic of Benin. Description

WAPP is now desirous of appointing an External Auditor for financial audit of its statutory financial statements.
The initial contract shall be for two periods, beginning in the financial year 2018

Requirements The criteria that will be used for the final selection will be as follows:

Specific experience of the firm related to the assignment
Adequacy of the proposed work plan and methodology
Qualifications and competence of the key staff for the Assignment
Local participation (as reflected by ECOWAS citizens among key sniff)

Interested and qualified auditing firms should send their Expressions of Interest (EOI) which should be in one original and three copies and should be clearly marked to: The Secretary General, West African Power Pool Secretariat, 06 BP 2907, Cotonou, Republic of Benin. Tel .: (229)21 3741 95, Fax (229) 21 3771 43. Email: info@ecowapp.org Note

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