Director of Health Sciences Director of Physical Planning Director of Work Registrar

Job Description
The Director of Health Services is the Chief Health Officer of the University responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for the day-to-day running and administration of the University’s Health services and facilities, recommendation of all health policies in the University, and taking charge of the Health Services Department in accordance with the University statutes.
The Person
The candidates for the post must exhibit considerable degree of competence, expertise and demonstrable integrity for the running of a Department of Health Services of a University.
Prospective candidates must be duly licenced and practicing medical doctors and must be active members of Nigeria Medical Association (NMA).
The candidate must not be more than fifty-nine (59) years of age at the time of appointment and must be in good health to be able to endure the riguors of the duties as a Director of Health Services.
The candidates must have a good honours degree (MBBS) from a recognized University and at least fifteen (15) years of relevant service experience.
Candidates should be officers of not below the rank of a Deputy Director of ‘Health Services in a University or a similar institution. in addition, candidates must be a Fellow of West African College of Surgeons (FWACS) and other relevant bodies.
Possession of a higher degree in health related disciplines will be an advantage.
Conditions of Service
The appointment is for a period of five (5) years and is pensionable.
The basic salary attached to the post is CONTISS (II) 15.
Other allowances and fringe benefits are as currently applicable to similar positions in the Nigerian University System and as may be determined by the Federal Government and the Governing Council from time to time.
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Applicants should submit Thirty (30) copies of their Applications and detailed Curriculum Vitae highlighting among others the following:Applications should be forward to:The Registrar, Federal University of Technology, P.M.B. 1526, Owerri, Imo State. Candidates should request their referees to forward references on them directly to the Registrar and clearly marked “Referee Report” on the top corner of the envelope.

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