Cameraman / Editor

Key Responsibilities

To cover stories within the National Assembly.
Offer advice on how best to shoot a scene and explain the visual impact created by shots.
Plan shots, for example, when filming an expensive drama scene, such as an explosion.
There may be only one chance to get things right, so shots must be meticulously planned.
Practice the camera moves required for pre-arranged shots.
Study scripts.
Work quickly, especially as timing is such an essential factor.
Take sole responsibility in situations where only one camera operator is involved in the filming.
Keep up to date with filming methods and equipment.
Ability to edit videos/fly drones is an added advantage.
Establish a clear understanding of the storyline and purpose of the video’s creation.
Edit video to include preselected music, interviews, sound clips and other important aspects of the project.

Person Specification

5 years and above as camera operator in a live, multi-camera, switched studio television production.
Steadicam certified/trained operators that has 4-5 years of live, multi-camera, switched television production experience.
You are required to have a strong understanding of the technical aspects of filmmaking.
Strong leadership and coordination abilities.
Have a strong creative streak.
Excellent hand-eye coordination.
Excellent verbal communication.
Problem-solving skills.
Ability to work in a team environment.
Strong experience in lighting and sound.
Ability to fly drones creatively.

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