Assistant Warehouse Head Sales and Marketing Executive

Job Description

The Assistant Warehouse Head shall assist the Warehouse Head and shall be responsible for product handling, staging, product safety, product accessories, documentation, and orderliness in the warehouse.
Research, development and adoption of the best methods of product handling for efficiency and to eliminate damages arising from wrong handling during storage, retrieval, staging, loading and offloading of any of the company’s products.
Execution of high-quality staging, checking, confirmation and professional labelling of incoming or outgoing products.
Continuous monitoring and acting to ensure that product safety is given the highest priority in the warehouse at all times. This involves ensuring that products are stored in the right way and in the right place at all times.
You are also responsible for the swift, neat and safe packaging of any product with deficient packaging. This includes items returned to the warehouse from outside or items whose original packaging has degraded in the warehouse. This product safety responsibility also includes ensuring that items disordered during a sorting and staging activity are returned to best order immediately after the sorting is done.
Receiving, counting, storage, arrangement, labelling, retrieval, safety and security of all product accessories received into the company’s main warehouse.
Generation, maintenance and real-time updating of documents in the warehouse and submission of relevant documents for review and endorsement by the warehouse head as is necessary and in line with laid-down company policies.
This responsibility cuts across documents in hard and soft copy including routine records as well as warehouse inventory records, stock cards, stack tags etc.
Where it is statutorily required for the warehouse head to certify and endorse any record or document, your role shall be limited to ensuring a timely preparation and submission of such documents for review, certification and endorsement by the warehouse head.
Where the warehouse head exercises the discretion to personally generate any warehouse document or record, your role in such cases shall be to relentlessly remind him to ensure that such activity is not delayed.
Beyond preparation and update of warehouse documents, this responsibility includes ensuring that documents and records are properly filed and secured. It also includes ensuring timely processing, transmission and/or submission of such documents or information contained therein to relevant third parties for legitimate official purposes.
Ensuring general orderliness and neatness of the warehouse and its contents. This includes creating and managing a roster that assigns responsibilities to individuals to clean specific parts of the warehouse on a routine basis.
You are expected also, to ensure that every item in the warehouse is always in its right place to achieve a well-organized and professional ambience as the normal standard of the warehouse at all times.


Shall be an HND or B.Sc. holder in Science or Social Science
A professional qualification in supply chain and logistics management or warehousing shall be an added advantage.
Shall possess a minimum of 5years post graduate experience.
Shall possess very strong leadership ability.
Shall be very analytical.
Shall have a robust health and physical stamina.
Shall have good computational and data presentation skills.
Shall possess a very respectable countenance and personality.
Shall possess strong conceptual intelligence to perceive and conceive corporate goals.
Shall possess a demonstrable ability for orderliness and enforcement of order.
Shall have the ability to work under pressure and without supervision.
Shall have very good interpersonal skill.
Shall have an excellent sense of judgement.
Shall have impeccable character, punctuality, integrity, contentment, objectivity and impartial.
Shall be teachable and ever willing to lend personal knowledge to others.
Shall possess report and memo writing skills. These include having a good command of English.
Shall possess the abilities to take initiative, be creative and be a strong enforcer / executor.
Close proximity to the office will be an advantage.

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Interested and qualified candidates should send their Applications with a Cover Letter and CV attached to the “HEAD, HR & ADMIN” via: using the Job Title as the subject of the mail.

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