Request for Service Provider (Consultant for Cash Feasibility and Market Assessment)
Community Engagement & Social Development Initiative (CESDI) is a humanitarian organization committed to educating, empowering & creating awareness to the sustainable livelihood of women, men, children & youth, and the less privileged members of the society. CESDI is duly registered with the corporate affairs commission (CAC). The Organization is involved in community development, capacity…
Request for Service Provider (Delivery of Cash Disbursement to Beneficiaries)
Introduction Community Engagement & Social Development Initiative (CESDI) is a humanitarian organization committed to educating, empowering & creating awareness to the sustainable livelihood of women, men, children & youth, and the less privileged members of the society. CESDI is duly registered with the corporate affairs commission (CAC). The Organization is involved in community development, capacity…
Request for Quotation (Supply of Non-Food Items (NFIs)
Community Engagement & Social Development Initiative (CESDI) is a humanitarian organization committed to educating, empowering & creating awareness to the sustainable livelihood of women, men, children & youth, and the less privileged members of the society. CESDI is duly registered with the corporate affairs commission (CAC). The Organization is involved in community development, capacity building, economic empowerment, social counseling, social mobilization, raising awareness/ education on health and conflict resolution/peace building initiatives. Purpose of this Request for Quotation. CESDI seeks quotation from eligible and interested vendors for the supply…
Request for Quotation (Printing of IEC Materials)
Purpose of this Request for Quotation. CESDI seeks quotation from eligible and interested printing press for printing of IEC materials. Scope of Work The requested services involve the design, printing, and delivery of IEC materials as detailed below: S/N Items Quantity 1 Design and Printing of Roll Up banners 3 2 Printing of posters for awareness…