Not specified
Organizational context and General background of assignment:In a series of resolutions beginning in the 1970s, the UN General Assembly has given UNHCR the formal mandate to prevent and reduce statelessness around the world, as well as to protect the rights of stateless people. The content of this responsibility is further set out by the Executive Committee (EXCOM) that governs the work of UNHCR. In the EXCOM Conclusions on the Identification, Prevention and Reduction of Statelessness and the Protection of Stateless Persons issued in 2006, UNHCR is required to work with governments, other UN agencies and civil society to address the problem. The conclusion also urges States, among other, to work with UNHCR and to consider examining their nationality laws with a view to adopting and implementing legislation to prevent the occurrence of statelessness. As such, UNHCR is engaging actively with member States in the ECOWAS sub region, the ECOWAS Commission and Civil Society in the actions to end statelessness in West Africa.The Abidjan Declaration, adopted during the first Ministerial Conference on Statelessness in Abidjan, and endorsed by Heads of States in May 2015 in Accra, Ghana, is a milestone in the fight against statelessness in West Africa. The Declaration recognizes that statelessness is a significant issue in the region and sets out specific measures, primarily addressed to ECOWAS Member States, on how to put an end to statelessness by 2024. Further to the engagement, UNHCR Nigeria provided financial support to the West African Civil Society Forum (WACSOF) to commission a project: “Reducing Risk of Statelessness in Nigeria through Advocacy and Empowerment/Sensitization of National Authorities, Civil Society Organizations and other Stakeholders”. WACSOF with the support contracted a national consultant to conduct a mapping on risks of statelessness in North East Nigeria. The Study was commissioned with the aim of developing a strong evidence base on critical and significant statelessness risks in Nigeria, in order to facilitate greater local and international understanding; and enable both government, civil society and international partners a platform to address these issues. Field visits, data collection and analysis were conducted between September and October 2016. The draft 23 page study was validated by representatives from relevant ministries, departments and agencies of Government as well as civil society organizations during a meeting organized by WACSOF in December 2016.An international statelessness expert was contracted in 2017 to further appraise the report of the Study. The international consultant finalised the review in December 2017 providing preliminary edit & restructuring of the draft report on NE Nigeria and a set of questions and guidelines for further field research. The international consultant also produced two papers: theoretical framework for research on statelessness in Nigeria which sets out guidance on how to consider statelessness in Nigeria); and citizenship law in Nigeria, which set out the history of citizenship laws in Nigeria since independence, providing clarity on the legal context of the current framework. Further review is required, by a national consultant, in line with the outcome of the review further work is required to address gaps in the report including through further field visit, improvement in the general presentation of the report, legal analysis. The second edit of the draft report on NE Nigeria will submitted to the international consultant to review additions to the report; after which the national consultant will finalise text for publication and participate in the national validation workshop as a continuum of the 2017 consultancy.Functional expertise and responsibilities:The consultant will review all aspects of the Study further to the appraisal of the Statelessness Expert, and in line with the comments/remarks from the appraisal.The consultant is expected to professionally review the study in line with the editorial work conducted by the international statelessness expert (contracted by UNHCR) within the 4 weeks period. The scope of the work include (but not limited to): review of the study for internal consistency and rearrangement of the structure of the report; providing information to fill gaps in the Study using secondary and primary sources; clarification or collection of additional information; revising the structure of the study and providing a forward, acknowledgement and an executive summary, table of contents, page for abbreviations, references and appendices (including the research tools/questionnaires); improve on the presentation of tables, figures and boxes and undertake cross tabulation if possible; title and identify the sources of the tables and figures; add a disclaimer/waiver note; identify and highlight the limitations of the reports including any gaps in the methodology and coverage which needs to be clearly stated; identify areas for further research.The consultant will also participate as a resource person in a validation workshop to be organised by UNHCR immediately after the completion and certification of the revised study.The consultant will present the study, provide additional information/clarification.The consultant will update the report further to the outcomes of the validation workshop in preparation for publication.The Consultant should provide a method for the treatment of the data collected, respecting the principles of anonymity, informed consent and protection.Expected deliverables and remuneration:
Revised and finalized draft report of the study which has responded to all queries, suggestions and recommendations of the international consultant.
The report, finalized in consultation of UNHCR, and its annexes;
Validation workshop with key actors is organized and the study is validated;
Required qualifications and experience:
Basic university degree preferably in Social Sciences, Development Studies or similar discipline with relevant work experience of between 8 and 12 years, or between 6 and 10 years and a post-graduate university degree
Experience in conduct of qualitative research and writing of action-oriented research paper
Strong analytical skills, experience in similar type of work, familiarity with professional terminology
Knowledge of the focus areas of the study and ability to speak at least one of the local languages
Nigeria-based and fluency (including writing) in the English language
Good communication skill, namely tact and ability to work with illiterate people
Previous work experience on statelessness and nationality; editing UNHCR’s publications; or consultancy with UNHCR are desirable.
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Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.Kindly note that only short-listed applicants will be contacted.Applications from female candidates are strongly encouraged.