Project Evaluation Consultant

EVALUATION RATIONALEPurposes and Key Evaluation Questions

The Better Life Options and Opportunities Model (BLOOM+) had three   main objectives focusing on;
Improving youths’ life skills and capacity to make healthy choices;
Building youths’ capacities in transferrable employment-relevant skills;
Fostering community and government support for personal and career development opportunities for adolescents.
The consultant will evaluate the project’s performance in achieving the project’s goal and objectives; and gauge the project’s success in engaging stakeholders and institutionalizing structures for sustainability. The consultant will review key project documentations including program results data, reports,  and conduct interviews, focus group discussions to assess and document the outcome of the project.

Expected ResultType

Goal: 1,200 adolescent girls (80%) and boys (20%), aged 14-16, envision and attain productive future
Objectives –  1.  Improving youths’ life skills and capacity to make healthy choices;
Objective – 2. Building youths’ capacities in transferrable employment-relevant skills;
Improved knowledge, skills and self-efficacy to help participants make healthy life and career choices

OutcomePositive improvement in attitudes,  social behaviors and social relations:OutcomeImproved capacity and knowledge in employment related skillsOutcomeObjective – 3. Fostering community and government support for personal and career development opportunities for adolescents.Enhanced and sustained community support and advocacy for increased youth opportunitiesOutcomeIntended UsersThe users of the evaluation findings will be Plan International, Plan International Nigeria, donor, partners and our stakeholders.  These findings will be used to inform future programming and implementation. The findings and recommendations may also be used by other stakeholders in the sector, to inform scale up and or for future youth empowerment approaches/strategies.EVALUATION DESIGN AND METHODOLOGYMethodology and the scope of workThis evaluation will use a mixed method approach. The evaluation team will engage with primary and secondary stakeholders/beneficiaries internally and externally to collect, analyze and interpret both quantitative and qualitative data from primary and secondary sources to include – review of key and relevant documents; in-depth and key informant interviews, focus group discussions, site to visits and data analysis. The Consultant is required to evaluate the project using evaluation standard of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability.Evaluation QuestionsThe evaluation will seek answers to the following questions:

Relevance – How well is the project suited to the context of the target group and how consistent are the results with the project’s goal and objectives?
Effectiveness – An assessment of how far the project objectives were achieved, and what factors influenced the achievement or non-achievement of these set targets. 
Efficiency – An assessment of whether the objectives were achieved on time and in an efficient manner, compared to any alternative approaches.
Impact – An assessment of the positive and negative changes of the project. This includes the number of people who have benefitted from the interventions, and what difference these interventions have made to the beneficiaries involved.
Sustainability – This measures whether the impact and benefits of the project have (or are likely to) continue after the project is completed. In assessing sustainability, identify factors that have (or could) contribute to the sustainability (or non-sustainability) of this project.
Equality and inclusion – Assess how the project was able to promote equality (out of school boys and girls) and other relevant individuals, communities and groups.

What Key learning has come out of the project.Project DocumentationsThe following information, documents and materials are available and relevant to the evaluation exercise:

Project narratives, M&E plan
Project data
Annual, and quarterly reports
Mid-term report
Success stories, assessments and reviews
Activity work plans

OthersData Collection Methods Quantitative data   collected from the project’s pre/post assessments for batch 2 and 3 will be analysed first, in addition to quantitative and qualitative data to be collected using primary and secondary sources through focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, key informant interviews with beneficiaries, project support committee members, facilitators, partners and guardians of beneficiaries. Data collection and measurement will focus mainly on outcome level indicators that reflect the project objectives in the expected results table above. Data Analysis MethodsFor quantitative data analysis, initial tables will be generated and verified for all variables collected through structured questionnaires initially to ensure that information in the data set are consistent. The evaluation team will develop an analysis plan and review with Plan International for input as may be deemed necessary.  These analyses are expected to provide information on level of performance and achievement of the program. The evaluation team will disaggregate data by gender, age, or other important characteristics affected by the activity as necessary for each question. The evaluation team will further develop a draft report which will be shared with Plan International for input. The report will be finalized by addressing all comments and any emerging issue from stakeholders.EVALUATION PRODUCTSDeliverables, Timeframe and Level of EffortThe proposed methodology will state the level of effort required, duration to complete assignment within the minimum allowable time, and complete costs.The Consultant is expected to conduct all the preparation required to facilitate the project evaluation as indicated   below:TaskTimeline/# of DaysEvaluation planning: planning meeting with Plan Nigeria; review background documentation, design work plan with detailed methodology and data analysis plan, design survey instruments, prepare report template. 3 Analyses data on the  pre/post assessment  for batch 2 and 3  and provide report4Pre-testing  of developed tools1Conduct field visits/work to interview beneficiaries, guardians, PSCs, TAGs, partner staff, at least 24 KII, 12 FGDs and 12 IDIs. 5 Analyze data and findings; submit draft report for Plan International Nigeria comments/review; 5De-brief Plan International Nigeria; TAG and other key stakeholders1Submit finalized report (hard and e-copy), develop a summary of results in Power point and an abstract, policy brief  with all documents developed and utilized during the evaluation to Plan International Nigeria 3Total22Contract Duration: 22 billable daysTimeline/Activity (Work) ScheduleThe schedule of work is as follows:SNActivityAprilMayJuneRemarks1Submission of proposal√Deadline 16th April 20182Signing of contract√3rd /4th  week April 20183Inception report√2 weeks after commencement. This includes all tools and analysis of pre/post assessments4Evaluation√Ends 2nd  week May 20185Preparation of Draft report√3rd  week May 20186Submission of Final Report√4th week May 20187Payment of Consultant√1st week June 2018 During the evaluation the consultant will report as follows:S/NItemsInception /Progress  ReportDraft ReportFinal Report1Date of submission?2 weeks after commencing the evaluation. This contains only Activity Report, tools and analysis of pre/post assessmentsOne week after completing the evaluation.  This contains key findings and key recommendation. Also include a draft power point presentationSubmit financial ReportTwo weeks after conducting the evaluation. This includes final clean document of all analysis and recommendationsComplete financial report2To whom?Plan International Nigeria Plan InternationalPlan International3Hard copyYesYesYes4No of copies1125CDYesYesYes6SoftwareWord, ExcelWord, ExcelWord, Excel7Length<10 pages without annexes20 pages  without annexes30 pages  without annexes8Final date to introduce comments1 week after receipt1 week after receiptN/A9How?By e-mail in track changes or letterBy e-mail in track changes or letterN/A10Final date to  address comments3 days after receipt of comments3 days after receipt of commentsN/A Proposed Format and guidelines for the Evaluation ReportThe final report must distinguish clearly between findings, conclusions (based strictly on findings) and recommendations (based clearly on the evaluation findings and conclusions); and must include the following sections:  (number of pages is illustrative):Cover PageExecutive Summary - concisely state the most salient findings and recommendations (2 pp.)Table of Contents (1 pp.)List of Acronyms Introduction - purpose, audience, and synopsis of task (1 pp.) Background - brief overview of the program, strategy and activities implemented in response to the objectives, brief description of program, purpose of the evaluation (2-3 pp.) Evaluation Design and Methodology - describes evaluation design and methods, including constraints and gaps (2 pp.) Findings/Conclusions - for each objective area; and also include data quality and reporting system that should present verification of spot checks, issues, and outcome (7- 10 pp.) Issues and Challenges - provide a list of key technical and/or administrative, if any (1-2 pp.) Recommendations/Future directions   and   Lessons Learned (3 pp.) Recommendations on project approaches and activities from within the project that could be scaled up or replicated, how and why? Recommendations on other approaches and strategies to use for a broader youth life skills and transferrable employment relevant skills. References - including bibliographical documentation, meetings, interviews and focus group discussions Annexes - annexes that document the evaluation TOR, tools, methods, schedules, interview lists and tables sources cited. Data set The draft and final reports will be submitted in two hard copies with one electronic copy. Dissemination PlanDissemination of findings briefing will be done at the level of Plan International Nigeria and her implementing partners and then with relevant stakeholders. This exercise will focus on the outcome and lessons learned from the project’s implementation.Qualifications of Consultant(s)Advanced degree in social science, development studies, or related field is a requirement. Further education or a concentration in monitoring and/or evaluation would be an asset.Skills and Experience required:The consultant/ consulting team should have the following skills and experience: Experience in evaluating youth development and or youth focused projects, preferably in the field of youth life skills, gender and development programmes. Attention to produce and present high quality accurate presentations/reports At least ten years of experience assessing or evaluating projects. Previous experience serving as an evaluation team Leader or deputy team leader of any international donor project Experience in facilitation and providing leadership in collaborative and participatory evaluations with multiple stakeholders Ability and willingness to travel to Calabar and Odukpani communities Excellent writing, communication and presentation skills, with demonstrated ability to produce preliminary and final reports on time A completed application should contain the following:Complete applications should be submitted electronically to: Apply via :