Executive Trainees – Refinery

Business: Refinery Fuction/Domain: Organization Development Slot: 50 Project Descriptions

Responsible for working alongside managers and accepting delegated responsibilities and duties with the goal of eventually becoming a manager.

Job Responsibilities

The trainees have to work in different departments on a rotational basis, so that they can understand the work procedures implied by these departments and understand their roles thoroughly.
Attending the formal training provided by the organization, noting down the instructions given while training, understanding the theoretical aspects of the organization’s goals and operation.
Working for both junior and senior level employees of various department in order to gain required skill and expertise

Desired Qualification/Preferred Competencies

They should be holders of either B.sc , B.Tech, B.eng and M.sc Degree Engineering, in one of the following disciplines – Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science.

Interested and qualified candidates should visit Dangote Career Page

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