Medical Positions

Available Positions

Consultant Paediatricians (with special interest in Neonatology).
Consultant Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
Consultant Emergency Physicians.
Consultant Anaesthetic Surgeons.
Consultant Trauma Surgeons.
Senior Medical Officers
Medical Officers.
Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practltlcners,
Enhanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioners.
Senior Matrons with special interest in Neonatology.
Senior Matron with special interest in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Senior Matrons with special interest in Accident and Emergencies.
Paediatric Nurses.
Staff Nurse/Midwives.
A&E Nurses.
Respiratory Therapists.
Biomedical Engineers.
Speech and Language Therapists.

Accommodation can be arranged. Interested applicants to send CV to outreachchildrenhospital@yahoo.comĀ  within two (2) weeks of this publication.

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