Vice-Chancellor Registrar

The University seeks candidates with vision, proven academic distinction, managerial ability, integrity and transparency in private and public life. The right candidate should also have ability to develop linkages with the external communities to meet the emerging needs of the University, command respect and engender cooperation and loyalty of Staff and students of the University and its alumni. SCHEDULE OF DUTIES The Vice-Chancellor shall:

Be competent at all times to advise the Council in maintaining on any matter affecting the administration, finance and policy of the University;
Be generally responsible to the Council in maintaining the efficiency and good order of the university and for ensuring the proper enforcement of its statues, ordinances and regulations;
Be responsible for discipline in the University;
Regulate the admission of students subject to guidelines and procedures approved by Senate and to any law or policy for the time being applicable to the University;
At management level, provide leadership in the relentless pursuit of excellence in all aspects of University life; and
Undertake any other duties that will promote the growth and development of the University in a conducive atmosphere.


An eligible candidate for the post of Vice-Chancellor, Christopher University must be:
A Professor of notiess than 10 years in one of the disciplines offered by the Christopher

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Please include photocopies of all credentials. Candidates should include the under listed with detailed curriculum vitae written in the following order: Candidates should request their referees to send confidential reports on them in sealed envelopes marked ” REFEREES REPORT” by the left side of the envelope directly to the Chairman, Governing Council. Submit twenty (20 copies) duly signed copies and electronic copies of application {PDF file in CD-ROM} should be enclosed in an envelope marked ‘VICE CHANCELLOR’ or ‘REGISTRAR’ at the right hand corner and addressed to: The Chairman, Governing Council, Christopher University, Mowe, Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Ogun State, Nigeria. All other Information can be obtained from the University web site at

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