
Qualification and Experience
Interested candidates for the post should possess the following qualifications:

A minimum of an academic Masters’ degree in Health Science and Technology or other related field with not less than twelve (12) years cognate experience.
Must not be below the status of a Chief Lecturer in the College or Senior Lecturer of a University.
A rank of Deputy Director, Salary Grade Level 16 or its equivalent.
Shall not be more than Sixty (60) years at the time of his/her appointment.

Terms and Conditions of Service/Appointment:

The Provost shall hold office for a period of five (5) years for a single term and shall not be eligible again for appointment and the conditions of service are as may be specified in the letter of appointment as approved by the Council.

Interested and qualified candidates should forward 15 copies of their Applications and accompanied by 15 copies of candidate’s ctheir Curriculum Vitae duly signed and dated. The Curriculum Vitae should be presented in the following order:Also:The application and attachment should be in a sealed envelope marked “POST of PROVOST” at the top left-hand corner of the envelope, addressed and sent to:
The Registrar,
Delta State College of Health Sciences and Technology,
Ofuoma – Ughelli,
Delta State, Nigeria.Note

Apply via :